I’ve decided to write a novel.  My next book will be about a lady whose career has suddenly been interrupted and her life turned upside down by a cruel disease that seems to have a mind of it’s own.  Her doctor informs her that it’s an inflammatory bowel disease called microscopic colitis, and insists that it’s a benign disease that should resolve with treatment.  But it doesn’t respond to treatment.  Suddenly she’s afraid to make any plans or even to leave the house.  Her once-promising career is in jeopardy as she finds herself dealing with overwhelming fatigue and the inability to even think clearly.  As she becomes increasingly afraid of intimacy, she can feel the distrust and the tension between her and her husband growing daily.

This book should be available sometime in 2021.  The title will probably be The Loneliest Feeling in the World.


2 Replies to “My Next Project”

  1. I have your revised edition and Understanding…edition. Fabulous! Altho, the index may need some attention in the revised?? Great, thorough study and work. I am recent diagnosed MLC Oct.2017, altho chronic, explosive, diarria since 61yo (current 66yo). I thought it just part of aging?! Dealing with medical prof. has been discouraging. I’ve registered at MC foundation site, but unable to figure out how to write my story in. Alot of info., rather overwhelming, but little doubt, my future lies with you and foundation. Just reviewing Enterolab today, gather info. and will request VA to cover? Current GI, Minn. VA, altho orig. diagnoisis outside VA. My thoughts… Thank you so much for your work, materials, referals, web sites, etc… Much appreciated.

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