These books are available on Amazon, and at most other booksellers, in both printed paperback and digital versions, in most countries. Some of them are available in hardback versions.

The Microscopic Colitis Diet Book

This book describes the microscopic colitis diet, why so many people find it to be a safe and effective way to control the disease, and why the diet helps to restore long-term health for microscopic colitis patients.

The microscopic colitis diet is a naturally safe way to control the disease with or without the use of any medications. In contrast with the temporary control offered by expensive medications alone, a properly selected, carefully followed diet will usually provide control of this disease for a lifetime, for most microscopic colitis patients, so that the side effects of medications can be avoided.

7 Reasons Why Food Allergies and Related Health Issues Are Increasing

There is a reason why Food allergies are increasing — in fact there are at least seven major reasons. Those reasons include agricultural practices used in the production of food commodities, processing methods used by food manufacturers, and policies adopted and enforced by government regulatory agencies, to name a few. But other interests also play a major part in the problem. Learn how we develop specific food allergies, and how they can not only make life unpleasant, but in some cases, become life-threatening. Discover how these food sensitivities often lead to the development of certain diseases that are currently increasing among otherwise healthy individuals.

Who has the most influence regarding the foods we eat?

Government regulatory agencies
The healthcare system
The pharmaceutical companies
The food processing industry
Environmental and animal welfare concerns
Our own personal lifestyle choices

Who is ultimately responsible? . . . Obviously, we are.

My Stroke Was Caused by My TSH Test Results

This is a description of my stroke and the series of neurological events that led up to it. My recovery, and how I managed to make additional recovery progress after my normal recovery seemed to plateau are discussed. There’s also information on silent strokes and mini-strokes, and my personal experiences and insight regarding them. Medical references to validate certain facts are listed whenever they’re appropriate. The material also offers my insight and opinion on how to maximize recovery. There’s a brief discussion of post-stroke depression, and how depression can interfere with normal stroke recovery. My thoughts on how to prevent post-stroke depression from ruining your recovery are included.

Why Magnesium Is the Key to Long-Term Health

Even though magnesium deficiency is associated with every known disease, and many authorities believe that approximately 80 % of the population is magnesium deficient, doctors traditionally never measure magnesium reserves in their patients to determine if they are adequate. Instead, they check serum levels, which are carefully regulated by the body in a relatively narrow range. The body keeps the blood level of magnesium constant, because magnesium is a vital electrolyte which helps to regulate vital functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, breathing, and other important processes. So testing the serum level is a good idea for someone in the Emergency Room, But everywhere else, it’s a pointless test because it provides no indication of whether anyone’s magnesium reserves are adequate to keep their body performing properly for a week, or whether they might run dangerously low in a few hours. This book describes the reasons for the problem and offers suggestions so that everyone can begin to manage their magnesium levels properly.

Understanding Microscopic Colitis

This book is based on new and additional information that was not available when the first book about Microscopic Colitis was published, and in some situations it expands on information that was presented in the first book in order to provide new insight into successful treatment methods. This edition looks at additional situations that might cause treatment failure in some cases, and it explores ways to overcome those obstacles. It is written with the understanding that the reader has already read and understands the information in the first book.

Colitis Microscópica

Probablemente, se trate del único libro que existe actualmente sobre la colitis microscópica, en el que se profundiza extensamente sobre su diagnóstico, los métodos que existen para afrontarla, así como algunos de los tratamientos que más éxito están generando y que suelen ser desconocidos en la comunidad médica. Al mismo tiempo, hace mención a intolerancias alimenticias varias, informando sobre las últimas técnicas para su diagnóstico y su relación con enfermedades autoinmunes, aportando los medios para mejorar la salud de los afectados.  Leer más.

8 Ways to Prevent Pancreatic Cancer

A diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is a virtual death sentence. Only about 6 % of pancreatic cancer patients survive longer than 5 years after diagnosis. Certain foods and certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies can greatly increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Learn how a few changes to your diet can significantly reduce your risk of becoming another victim of pancreatic cancer.  Read more.

final-finished-cover-for-kindle-092914Vitamin D and Autoimmune Disease

This book describes the details of how autoimmune disease can develop by exploiting certain features of our immune system. And it explores the role that vitamin D plays in assisting our immune system in preventing the genetic changes that can lead to autoimmune disease, cancer, and other life-altering issues. Guidelines for helping to determine our own optimum vitamin D level are included.  Read more.

Microscopic Colitis

This book discusses the history of microscopic colitis and how it is diagnosed. It covers all of the commonly-prescribed treatment methods, and successful drug-free treatments that are generally unknown by most GI specialists. It also covers cutting edge research, and it includes the author’s theory of how inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, and autoimmune disease, may actually develop.  Read More.

Microscopic Colitis – Condensed Version

This book covers the description, causes, diagnosis, medical treatments, and dietary treatment methods for microscopic colitis. It’s a condensed version of the original book on microscopic colitis, and it contains six chapters, whereas the full, original version contains 16 chapters.