
I was born, grew up, and currently live in Central Texas. I’m a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, College of Engineering, with postgraduate studies in mechanical engineering, mathematics, and computer science. My work background has been varied, and it includes teaching (engineering courses), farming, and agribusiness experience involving grain processing and wholesale distribution of food corn and feed products.

But in my sixth decade of life I was suddenly confronted with debilitating digestive system problems that prevented me from being able to work on many days. I would wake up many mornings feeling as though I had been hit by a truck during the night. Every joint ached, my back ached, my head ached, and my gut ached. As I sometimes joked, even my hair ached. I often had migraines and severe nausea that prevented me from working. By gut was bloated so badly that I couldn’t button the top three buttons on my Levis.

But the most depressing part of the ordeal was the discovery that the gastroenterologist I went to see didn’t have the foggiest idea what was wrong with me. After subjecting me to a long series of diagnostic tests that ended with a colonoscopy exam, he advised me that he had ruled out cancer and there was nothing more that he could do for me. And when I asked if changing my diet might help, he informed me that diet had nothing to do with my symptoms.

When the full realization of the hopelessness of my situation slowly sank in, suddenly I felt all alone in the world. It became painfully clear that if a solution for my problems existed, I would have to discover it myself — the medical community had struck out. For over a year I floundered around unable to discover the cause of my symptoms. And then one day it dawned on me that maybe my doctor was wrong — maybe the mainstream medical community simply does not understand health problems that are caused by dietary issues. So I began to study medical research articles looking for clues. Most articles were not helpful, but here and there I found a few tidbits of information that were actually useful. And eventually, with the help of trial and error diet experimentation and careful record keeping, I was able to track down my food sensitivities and eliminate them, and I managed to get my life back.

But after spending so many hours researching medical journals online, I found it difficult to stop. So I have continued to study food sensitivities and diet, and related health issues. And I find it very gratifying to discover solutions to problems that the medical community is unable to effectively treat.

I also currently administrate an online microscopic colitis discussion and support forum, while I continue to research medical issues that are not adequately addressed by mainstream medicine. And I enjoy writing books about those health issues. In April of 2015, I founded the Microscopic Colitis Foundation and I continue to serve as the president of the organization. But my passion in life is writing books that will hopefully help many people to live a much healthier, longer, and happier life by helping them to become aware of the hazards hiding in their diet.